Friday, April 2, 2010

It’s rare that you come across a unique idea online that makes you say “why didn’t I think of that” - but this is one of those ideas:

NY Times Best Selling Author and 8-year Internet Marketing Expert Ron Douglas has found an easy way for even the greenest newbie to make extra income online in their spare time. And the best part is - there’s no selling involved- no writing articles- no expensive advertising or investment- no begging other marketers to JV with you- no technical knowledge needed- and no time consuming tasks that only those who are full time can do this system allows you to earn money online just by being social and sharing viral videos created by others. It sounds too good to be true until you watch the video explaining exactly how it works:

Check it out and let me know if this isn’t the easiest way to earn money online that you’ve ever seen. Go to:

Best Regards,
J.R. Ross

P.S. - For a limited time, we are offering a free trial membership. Get your username and password now:

Take A Look At This Video it will show how easy this program is to use........

Thursday, March 25, 2010

9 Hypnotic Words You Can 'Instantly' Use


I just picked up this cool tip from my good friend -
Jo Han Mok, who's truly a Master Wordsmith.

Apparently, certain words that end with "ly" can be
sneakily used in your copy to slowly and hypnotically
influence your readers.

Obviously, these words easily slip into their minds
under their radar and you can clearly see how these
words work powerfully as persuasion weapons.

Quite evidently, I've already led by example in using
all these words in the couple of paragraphs earlier...

* obviously * clearly * Slowly * apparently *
certainly * easily * powerfully * evidently * Insantly

Spot them?

Then next time you write copy, try sprinkling your
copy with a liberal dose of words that end with "ly".

I think you might easily wind up amazed at how much
more 'hypnotic' your copy instantly becomes.

Hope you found this quick tip useful.

Yours In Success,
J.R. Ross

P.S. Obviously, if you like what I just shared with
you, you'll clearly be delighted with Jo Han's brand
new "Recipe For Riches" report, which you'll certainly
want to pick up, over at:

== Click Here For Full Info

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Click Bank 101

Are you getting sick of sitting in your car for an hour on the way to your stuffy office? Sick and tired of dealing with a boss that doesn't appreciate you, or treat you for what you're worth? If you're ever thought about leaving your job to create a scalable and enjoyable online income, now is the best time by far to do it. With so many online tools out there that can create a simple income for you online, and present you with lucrative benefits, it's no wonder that more and more people are giving up the 9-5 in order to master the world of online affiliate marketing.
Not sure about affiliate marketing? Don't worry; every great affiliate marketer started in just the same spot as you. When you're growing frustrated in your current career, there's nothing wiser than picking a new choice that allows you the freedom to work from home and truly master your own income. Instead of earning money for someone else and only ever receiving a small slice of the pie, you can utilise the wide array of affiliate marketing programs to create an income that flies directly into your bank account, free of the grabbing hands of corporate accountants.
One of the most popular tools for creating an online affiliate marketing career is Clickbank. A massive online marketplace, Clickbank serves up thousands of different products, all of which are available for affiliate marketers to earn sweet commissions on. With products in hundreds of different categories, there's no doubt that you'll find a massive amount of products that both align with your passions and your commercial interests.
Want to get started right away? If you've got absolutely no experience working online, don't think that you're not right for this lifestyle. With just a small amount of online education, you can turn yourself from a frustrated office worker into someone that's creating a massive online income. This free report is packed with information designed to teach beginners the fundamentals of Clickbank usage, and help intermediate and advanced users master their online affiliate income.

Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit
Ready to start? It's truly as simple as finding something to sell, and absolutely dominating that niche market. Even if you're an absolute beginner, you can teach yourself the skills and abilities required to absolutely dominate the online market, and create a massive income for yourself at the same time. This free report really is the best place to start, and regardless of your current level of Clickbank proficiency, you'll learn something new and valuable from it.